
Our blog where we cover all topics related to recreational cannabis use.

How To Deep Clean and Sanitize Your Grow Room

Keeping your grow room clean and sanitized is one of the most important things when it comes to growing and cultivating healthy and bountiful plants. A dirty grow room is an opportunity for bugs and pests to invade, for powdery mildew and other diseases to...


How to Smoke Weed Without Papers – Top Tricks

Smoking weed has become so popular, ever wondered how to smoke weed without papers? Not everyone likes or has rolling papers all the time. Luckily, there is more than one way of smoking weed, and you can easily do that even without rolling papers. Some...

Cannabis and its Legality

Cannabis and its Legality: Where in the World?

There’s long been arguments about the legality of cannabis in the USA and across the world, for both medical and recreational purposes, and right across the world it very much varies into what’s allowed and what isn’t. None more so than in the USA. On...

Navigating the Business of Importing Marijuana Seeds in the USA

The cannabis industry in the USA has rapidly transitioned from a taboo subject to a thriving economic force, deeply embedded in American commerce. This transformation, fueled by changing societal views and legislative reforms, has seen cannabis evolve from whispered exchanges to a visible presence with...

Different Marijuana Edibles and Their Health Benefits

Marijuana has been a hot topic for many years. For a long time, it was known mainly for its recreational use and the controversies surrounding it. But times are changing. Nowadays, more and more people are talking about marijuana in a different light. With its...

The Miniature Majesty: A Guide to Using Mini Bongs

For the uninitiated, a bong might simply be a tool to consume certain herbs or tobacco. But for enthusiasts and connoisseurs, a bong represents much more. It’s an experience, a ritual, and in many cases, a piece of art. Over the years, bongs have evolved...

6 Reasons Durango Should Be Your Next Tourist Destination

Are you planning a vacation this year? While there are many tourist destinations across the country, finding a place that will give you fun and thrill can be hard. You, however, have a solution in Durango City in Colorado. Besides its remoteness and quiet life,...

Rosin cannabis concentrate

What is Rosin & How is it Made?

The variety of cannabis concentrates just won’t stop evolving and improving. Today, much research and development is still going on in the cannabis industry. On one side, the industry is gaining popularity every year and on the other side, there are more and more new...


Smoking Weed on a Hike – Quick Guide to Top Strains

Smoking weed while doing something that you enjoy is always a good time. Some Canadians love smoking weed while playing video games, cooking, watching movies, reading books, and so on. And do you know what else is fun to do while smoking weed? Hiking. If...